Thursday, November 8, 2012

Love a Veteran

I have been fortunate enough to live, serve, and work in a military community.  I teach students whose fathers or mothers serve locally and overseas (on deployment).  I've witnessed first hand the toll a deployment can take on a family-on the kids, the spouse, and the deployed serviceman.  

In fact, my husband used to be in the military.  When my husband and I were engaged in 2004, he was deployed to Iraq for about 5 months.  Of course, 5 months to me seemed like an eternity and I struggled often times wondering about his safety and missing him terribly.  I think about the students I teach, whose parents go away for years at a time. Being a parent myself now I can feel how hard it must be for these kids and their families.  My heart sincerely aches for them.  Not only are their parents deployed for months, sometimes years at a time...but they are also moved from place to place periodically.  I have also seen the devastating effects of war-I have been close to families who have lost loved ones in the war and ones who have lost limbs.  Some military servicemen who are no longer serving still fight their own war in some way-whether mental or physical-effects that they cannot control.

Veteran's Day is Monday and I've been thinking a lot about our military.  My church is doing a Bible Study in small groups and a sermon series on Rick Warren's "40 Days in the Word."  In our small group, we had a "Micah 6:8" assignment to get involved in the community.  Our small group chose to go to the local Veteran's Hospital and visit the Veteran's during the holidays, bringing a small gift of socks to keep their feet warm.  We were told that some of the Veterans in this hospital don't have family that live close by and that some have no one to come visit them.  This really saddened me.  For a few reasons.
1. Because, the reason I was able to vote last week was because of a Veteran who fought to save that right (and many more) for me. 
2. I can go to church, write this blog, and work a job because of the Veterans and our current military that have served in war zones, risking their lives to protect my rights for these freedoms.  Some of them have lost their lives.
3.  I feel there are a lot of  "thank yous" to our military and veterans but no actions.  

Why do we have Veterans sitting in a hospital with no visitors?  No one to pray over them, talk to them, show them they care, or show their appreciation?  

I am not one to get on my soapbox about elections and so forth and I'm sure you've heard enough but...does it bother anyone else that our candidates for presidency did not serve in the military whatsoever?  I would like to think that someone who is "the head" or "the boss" of the military (if you will) of the United States of America...a country founded on freedom and has waged many wars...should know what it is like to be on the battlegrounds.  Not just know somebody who is.  That's just my thought.

But back to the Veterans...I just want to say that I hope on Veteran's day that you will join me in praying for our current military and for the Veterans.  Pray for our elected officials.  Pray hard for those who are currently deployed.  Make sure that you thank a Veteran...visit a a Veteran...but not just Monday because its Veteran's Day...but anytime you meet one or see one.  Say "thank you" to our veterans through your actions (visit a VA hospital or support the VFW).  Because their sacrifices over the span of America's history are part of the reason we have the freedom to live, laugh, and love.  

We are so lucky to have a loving God, who knew us before we were formed in our mother's womb-who created people who were strong enough to fight, serve, protect, and sacrifice for others.  When I think of serving others, I think of Veterans and I realize-what an ultimate sacrifice to risk your own life...

I also think of Jesus, who not only risked his life, but who died to save us from our sins.  

Our military have fought and are still fighting to create peace and save the rights for us to choose how we live our life.  

Are we living our lives in appreciation for those that make it possible?  Do our actions speak louder than our words? 

No, the LORD has told us what is good. What he requires of us is this: to do what is just, to show constant love, and to live in humble fellowship with our God. 
Micah 6:8

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I hear voices...

I hear voices...and no I'm not crazy (I think)!

I really mean it-I hear voices.  And these voices are coming to me most of the time when I make a decision to SIN.  Yes, I said it.  A DECISION to sin.

It goes like this:
Person: "Blah, Blah, Blah...gossip, gossip, gossip."
Me: "Blah, Blah-*insert voice in my head saying 'you know better' & quick decision to continue*.....gossip, gossip, gossip"

And folks, it just isn't when I'm tempted to gossip.
This voice comes to me:
1. When I wake up ("Oh, good morning, checking facebook before your devotional?")
2. On my way to work ("Oh, you have a lot to do? Too much on your mind?  Hard day ahead?  Turn down your music and pray.")
4. When I'm listening to others complain ("Tell them it could be worse.  Give them a different point of view").

You know where I'm getting at.  This ain't your ordinary angel/devil on the shoulder talking. It's the Holy Spirit.  And here lately I've noticed that when I'm tempted... He's right there giving ME advice and guiding ME through my day.

Everyday I'm faced with decisions.  From the time I wake up (what's for breakfast?) until the time I come home from work (what's for dinner? what do I need to clean, do, etc.?).  I decide what comes out of my mouth (is it kind? necessary?).  I decide my actions.  I also decide how I'm going to react to what I hear.   

I ultimately decide if I am going to let sin control me or if I am going to let Jesus guide me.

The decisions I make are not always the right ones.  Sometimes my actions are influenced by the good decision I make when I hear that voice.  What does that mean? Why???

I truly feel the more in the Word you are (aka: reading your bible, having more quiet time with God, etc.) that you will feel His presence more deeply.  The more you know and ponder on what you've learned from scripture can lead you to make (good, better, the best) decisions that before you felt had no choice.  You go from the mentality of "Oh, I'm just a 'talker'-I've always been.  I can't help it when I gossip" "Is what I am about to say helpful? Is it necessary?  Is it kind?"

Do you hear voices?  

I know what is GOOD.  I know what is BAD.  I also know what is GODLY.  

What decisions are you making that impact your relationship with God? 

In this month of THANKSGIVING, I'm going to admit that I'm thankful for the voices in my head.  They make me see the straight path ahead.  Because without God's guidance, I'm clearly lost.  

I want you to prayerfully consider your week(end) ahead.  What choices will you face?  Will you CHOOSE God's way or another way?  Because, friends, in the end, there is only ONE way.  Amen?  Amen!

Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.
Hebrews 10:36   

Be careful that you do not refuse to listen to the One who is speaking. For if the people of Israel did not escape when they refused to listen to Moses, the earthly messenger, we will certainly not escape if we reject the One who speaks to us from heaven!
Hebrews 12:25