Monday, September 3, 2012

Martha or Mary?

So in the last couple weeks I have been one busy lady.  So busy, in fact, that I have failed you and I am convicted to tell you about it.  In my last post I talked about being grateful for your season.  Well, I think I have been anything but that for the past week!  As you know, school started back up.  I was excited to see everyone again, get my classroom set up, etc. After weeks of preparation, guess what happened?  On Open House night, my computer wasn't working!  I got so mad because I had some work to do...the next day (notice I said the next day and not right away-because we always want what we want when we want it) I complained: Why have technology if it's not going to work?  What if I hadn't planned and needed my computer for open house?  I am not going to be able to get my other work completed tomorrow if my computer doesn't work today which means I will have to do it over the weekend....and on and on and on.  Then it hit this not something that I JUST wrote about...being thankful no matter what the circumstances are.  I didn't need the computer/printer to work right away, I had PLANNED so it wasn't like it was going to be a big deal but it still irritated me.  I wasn't thankful.  But you know what happened?  The computer man that fixes our computers was all the way across town and came back to the school (he had already been there that morning) to fix my computer in a matter of hours.  So I wanted to tell you that...and just know that I am not perfect...but I have a perfect God that loves me anyway and will take care of whatever need or worry I may have!  

Also, you know that mommy season? The one that includes cleaning house, being the best mommy I can be...etc.?  Yep, failed that too.  Getting all caught up in work, neglecting what needs to be done at home, so tired to be there for my name it I did it this week!  I am so glad I am writing these posts because it helps me be accountable for my actions and I really living the way God wants me to live?  Am I giving him the glory no matter the circumstance?  So as I was cleaning this week...I griped a little and procrastinated...but I turned it right around and vacuumed with this in my head (and heart): "This is my season.  Thank you Lord for this time to vacuum and glorify you.  Thank you for a home and a family.  Thank you for my health. Thank you for this season."

Cleaning really gets me every time (with dread and complaints).  But, I love a clean home and as mom says "to be clean one must clean" (seriously she says that all the time).  As I was cleaning this week I thought about the story of Martha and Mary.  You can read it in Luke 10:38-42. In these verses, it talks about how Martha is so busy cooking (and cleaning and preparing and planning) that she gets frustrated when she sees her sister Mary at Jesus' feet.  Mary is enjoying Jesus' company.  Martha is too busy with the details...too busy to just sit and enjoy Jesus.  So my question is...who are you more like-Martha or Mary?  Are you-like me-sometimes "too busy" with something that can wait?  Like when my son says "mommy will you watch a movie with me?" or "mommy will you play cars with me?"-which by the way were 2 things he asked me to do yesterday but I was too "busy" to do.  Are you "too busy" or "too tired because of being busy" that you have neglected in some way to read God's word and meditate on it everyday (guilty, here)?  Again I say, are you like Martha?    

OR, are you like Mary?  Do you relish in each moment and desire to please him in every way?  Do you listen to God when he's talking?  

I think it is OK to be like Martha (because trust me, she was getting it done-if they were going to eat someone had to cook it).  But I think that Martha neglected to see what was in front of her-Jesus-because she was SO BUSY. My prayer for you this week is that you become aware of how you are spending your time and delegating your energy.  I made myself a promise a long time ago that family would come before work and God first always.  So I'm changing some priorities, that were squashed by the first week of school, and starting over...I hope you will join me-at Jesus' feet-like Mary.  I also want to share with you that there is a book I can't wait to read and its called: "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" by Joanna Weaver.  If you read it or have read it, please let me know how it was!

So...are you going to be Martha or Mary this week?  One day you might feel like a Martha...but don't be discouraged-and don't forget about Mary.  I hope you prayerfully listen to what God has to say and if you need to-save "your work" for later! 

So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. 
At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.
Galatians 6:9


  1. Wow! What a great post, sharing and honest, but still encouraging. Keep writing Ashley!
